Domain Search

Domain Generator

WHOIS Information

Reverse IP Lookup

Domain Location

DNS Lookup

Check Domain Availability

Enter the desired domain name (e.g., "") into the search bar. The search results will indicate whether the domain is available or already taken.


If the domain is taken, our Domain Search Tool may suggest alternative domain names or variations. If the domain you want is taken, you can try different variations, use different domain extensions (.com, .net, .org, etc.), or consider adding hyphens or numbers.


Find perfect domain names for your website. Check whether a domain name is available for registration or not via our Domain Search tool. Check & Register domain names on 1385+ TLDs.


If the domain is available and you decide to register it, follow the registrar's registration process. This typically involves creating an account, providing contact information, and completing the purchase.


Remember that domain availability can change, so it's a good idea to act quickly if you find a domain that you like. Additionally, be mindful of any renewal fees associated with domain registration and keep your contact information up to date to avoid losing ownership of the domain.

Find Domain Owner

Finding the owner of a domain involves performing a WHOIS lookup. WHOIS is a protocol used to query databases and obtain information about the registration of a domain name. However, it's important to note that privacy settings and regulations may affect the visibility of personal information in WHOIS records.


Research domain ownership via our Whois Information tool. Enter the domain name for which you want to find the owner information.


The WHOIS lookup results will include information about the domain's registration, including the registrant's name, contact information, IP address, location and details about the domain's registration history.


Some domain owners use privacy protection services provided by the registrar to keep their personal information private. In such cases, you may see the details of the privacy service instead of the actual owner's information.


If you have specific concerns or legal reasons for needing to contact a domain owner, you may need to go through the appropriate legal channels or contact the domain registrar for assistance.

Discover Domain Expiry

Found a domain name that you want to register but someone already owns it?


To find out the expiry date of a domain, you can perform a WHOIS lookup. A WHOIS lookup provides information about the registration details of a domain, including its expiration date.


Discover when a domain name will expire with our Whois Information & Domain Search tools.


On the WHOIS INFORMATION tool, enter the domain name for which you want to find the expiry date.


The WHOIS lookup results will include various details about the domain registration, and one of the pieces of information is the expiration date. Look for a field that indicates the "Expiration Date" or "Registry Expiry Date."


Some registrars offer privacy protection services, which might obscure certain details, including the expiry date. In such cases, you may need to visit the registrar's website or contact them for more information.


If you have concerns about a domain's expiration or need additional assistance, you can also contact the domain registrar directly, as they will have the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding the domain's status.

How do I search a domain name?

Simply use the Domain Search tool above. Type in the domain name in the search box and click on 'Search'.

How do I generate domain names?

Use the Domain Generator tool above. Just type in a keyword, click on 'Generate' and you will receive tens of great suggestions right away.

How can I find out who owns a domain?

You can research domain name's ownership using the Whois Information tool above. Enter domain name and click on 'Get Whois'.

Where can I find when a domain expires?

Use the Whois Information tool above. Check the domain name's 'Registry Expiry Date' to discover when it will expire.

How do I find the location of an IP or Domain?

To discover the location of an IP address or Domain name, you can use the Reverse IP Lookup & Domain Location tools on top of this page.

Where can I see the DNS Records of a Domain?

You can use the DNS Lookup tool on top of this page. Type in the domain name and click on 'Query DNS'.